
Saturday, April 9, 2011

10 things about me

Three of my best friends did this on their blog so I thought I'd do it on mine too.

1) I am a "handful" according to my mom and a few other people. I tend to overshare. I just can't keep how I feel to myself. If I am really angry or sad it's not a mystery. I am not whiny but I can't not tell people how I feel. I can be jealous and I have the attention span of a gnat. Seriously, patience is something I need to work on. Oh, and I want it to be all about me all the time. No, not to that extreme, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention on me sometimes. I feel like a bitch now for listing all these annoying traits of mine but I thought I'd get these out of the way. :) At least I am honest.
2) My family and friends mean everything to me! I love them all so much. I have a wonderful family and the best friends I could ask for. Most people are lucky to have only one truly good friend. I am really lucky to know them, I always feel completely myself around them, they seriously feel like family to me.
3) I love music and fashion. I love fashion and it's everywhere. It seriously excites me and I think about it all the time. I love music so much I seriously waste way too much time just sitting and listening to music and I love singing. I don't think I'd want to do it for a career but it's something I want to do in my spare time for all my life.
4) I am not religious but I am spirtitual. I am not any particular religion but I do believe in God and I think that it gives me strength that I do.
5) I really do care a lot about people whether they are my loved ones or people I barely know.
6) School is not my thing, or at least not right now. I am blessed to have the opportunity to be educated but I can't say that I enjoy learning about things that mean absolutely nothing to me. I try to remember that it's an ends to a means but it can be hard for me to stay motivated when I am not interested in what I am learning. I think I will enjoy school more next year when I go to University because I will be learning about something I am passionate about.
7) I used to be scared to graduate and now I am really excited! Maybe it helps that I got my grad dress. I feel like I am ready to move on now.
8) I really want to fall in love. How cheesy is it that I just admitted that on a website? Pretty cheesy.
9)I am such a yoga nut. I love it! It's a nice escape from everyday things and it is a surprisingly good workout!
10) Loyalty is important to me. It would take a lot for someone I am good friends with to lose my friendship and I mean A LOT. I would say I am a forgiving person and a loyal person and I expect no less from the people I am close to ( but I have the best friends ever so this isn't an issue with them).

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