
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chillin in my thai fishermen pants.

Quite a while back I did a post all about how obsessed I am with these super comfortable pants and then two days ago my awesome best friend Millie gave me a grey pair with embroidery on the bottom. I was so excited!! And still am, so thank you Millie you are grand. Lots of fun at playland the other day with Millie! The new atmosfear ride freaks me out but I love it. The wooden roller coaster will always be my favorite ride ever.Yesterday I went to my godmother's cabin up in the mountains for the day and it was great. I drank two glasses of strawberry wine which is p.s delicious. I don't want to sound like a weenie because I am seventeen but I really like wine. Maybe it's the portuguese in me. The weather is kind of iffy/nice. I want to go to the lake today if Josh and Jesse ever wake up..

“Some beach somewhere, there’s a big umbrella casting shade over an empty chair. Palm trees are growing, warm breezes blowing. I picture myself there, some beach somewhere.” — Unknown

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

marry me?

Happy Birthday Mia!! :)

Yesterday was my wonderful friend Mia's 18th birthday and unfortunately I couldnt go because I have a sore throat from hell and a flu. Yet again. But I was definitely sending you happy birthday thoughts my friend! I hope you had an amazing birthday because you are an amazing person and friend and I am so glad you are one of my best friends! I love you tons!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I got a sterling silver Pandora bracelet for graduation and I have to say it has become a bit of an obsession.I've always loved them, I used to be crazy about my friend Mia's bracelet! The charms above are the three that I have so far. The hedgehog is my favorite and it's lucky according to the sweet old danish woman that I bought it from. I just love it.
I want this one at the moment.

I really love these bracelets, they are so personal and they are a lot classier than those italian link charm bracelets that were popular a few years ago. I just love them!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

rain rain rain

Chocolat and rain

I just saw Chocolat with Johnny Depp.Yum. New favorite movie right under Titanic seriously it's a really good movie,very inspiring and it made me emotional.

 I would love it if the clouds and rain could screw off so summer could actually begin.I feel like this is just a really long spring break. I hope Mia and Millie are having the best weather in Shushwap (is that how you spell it?).I finally graduated! I am a big  girl now. I just finished sending in my transcript for Kwantlen. Super scary, I wish I was starting school in January instead of September! I don't feel emotionally ready for this! Still, really excited because I am on the path heading towards what I want to do. :)