
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good boys.

I have to admit that my inspiration for this came from my friends. I am sure that everyone does this but whenever me and my girlfriends get together we always talk about guys and how there are none. Maybe that's not really fair and maybe some guys are thinking the same thing about girls ( I doubt they chat about it with their guys while watching their favorite movies and eating pints of peanut butter tracks Ben and Jerry's icecream). No, there are really good guys, so maybe "good guys" are not what are lacking, but what does seem to be lacking are good old-fashioned gentlemen. I know they are out there but where? I am going to say they probably have a girlfriend because that's the way it goes and no way these guys could stay single for long. I mean, there is nothing wrong with flirting and texting. That's all good, but sometimes a girl just wants a guy to hold a door open for them . Simple things like that are all that it takes for a good guy to be that guy. That guy that, let's face it every girl wants. I was watching a movie called "The Jerk Theory" and it's about how girls want the bad guy, who is hard to get, because it's exciting, but what girls should want is a good guy who treats them right. I admit to being attracted to "bad boys"  but really what I want is just a good guy who I can trust and who is honest and genuine. It's like with clothes, sometimes I am seduced by something expensive that is cool but really not worth it ( like a pair of jeans) . I know better, but it's hard to get so it stays on my mind until I eventually buy it. It's cool at first.Then I realize it's not all that special and that it's a little tight in the ass and fades in the wash. At the end of the day, what's good is good and what's bad sucks.

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