
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taylor Warren

So I lied. I didn't update my blog during Spring break. I was chilling on an island with my family and there is no internet/phone reception/people under the age of 45 there. I read some fashion magazines though and that was great. It made me feel a little bit more interested in this blog again.  Anyways. One of my guilty pleasure is America's Next Top Model. It's just so addicting and I don't know why! Honestly models are kind of fascinating to me. They live in the fashion industry and they must experience so much. My favorite model is Taylor Warren ( she's not on America's Next Model ) . I just think she looks so unique and her eyes are so beautiful.
Her eyes are so blue! And I like her style.

She's from New York and is 23 years old. The photos of her are not just pretty but they are interesting to look at. She is beautiful in a unique way.

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