
Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring is here

Busy week but Spring break is here so I have more time for blogging :) I am a loser.

This is a poem I wrote and it's dedicated to my great grandmothers.

Teach me.
Teach me to be graceful like you,
Teach me to be strong,
Teach me too be able to withstand life's obstacles and challenges head on,
With as much class and poise as you have,
A steel hand in a velvet glove,
Unfailing faith and fierce love,
Teach me.
To see the beauty in everything and everyone,
To cherish every bit of life, and laugh and love.
With as much zest and quiet passion as you have,
Beauty pales and youth fades,
But yours has done a remarkable job of holding on,
Every lovely wrinkle,
Symbolizes the many days you have spent under the sun,
Smiling and laughing with all your heart,
Teach me to be like you,
And always know that I love you.

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