
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dear Mom,

Thank you for everything you do for me, Josh and Dad. I feel truly blessed to have you as a mom. You are so selfless and warm and compassionate. You do everything you can to make me and those around you happy and I hope I make you happy too! I know I drive you crazy sometimes with my cheekiness but I think that that is just because you and I are carbon copies. I learned to be spunky and speak my mind from you and dad. It makes me happy when people say that I act and look like you. You are the most giving,nurturing,loving, beautiful person I know and I will be thrilled if when I am a mother, I am half as wonderful as you. I hope you had a wonderful mothers day mom because you deserve it. I know that I don't say it as often as I should but I am truly grateful that you are my mother. I couldn't ask for a better mom and a better role model. I remember when I was a little girl I used to be jealous of your preschool students because they would play with you all day and say that they loved you and I remember thinking "But that's MY mommy". I didn't want to share you! I love you so much mom. I love how silly you are and when you randomly burst into singing preschool songs. I love watching Little Women with you on Mayne Island drinking our tea. I love singing loudly along to "The Sound of Music" cassette tape in the car with you. I love all the times I spend with you! You're the best mom ever!  LOVE YOU MOM!!!! xoxo
Happy Mothers Day!

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