
Monday, May 2, 2011

2 months (ish) until we are free

Driving in the car with Millie was so fun! She got her first car ( round of applause!) and she was so excited and her mom was SO excited! Her mom cracks me up :). I am so excited for our roadtrip this summer. Oregon and then maaybe California? That's probably pushing it. I tend to get over excited and push it. But OH MY GOODNESS I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to graduate and just get out of my little suburban home town. I need to see and do things! But I am graduating so we will see where I go. I have never been the one to have a well laid out plan. My plans never work. I am more of a make it up as I go, go with the flow kind of gal. Maybe that's a bad thing? God, I am so tired of trying to be good though. Sometimes I get so tired because I feel like, especially with graduation coming up, I am constantly feeling like people ( and by people I mean teachers) are trying to make me make choices or make me into someone that I am not. I feel like everyone has been brainwashed into thinking that the only way to succeed in life and be happy is to go to a certain university ( SFU or UBC where I'm from) and then get a job, and work until you retire and that's it. I don't want to do that! I want to do something different. I always thought it was weird how everyone is trying to be happy but everyone is told to follow a similar path to happiness when everyone is so different. Can I just breathe? Can I just make it up as I go for a little while? Can I be seventeen and be irresponsible and choose the fun option instead of the tedious "right" option? Can I do stupid things and then laugh without feeling like I am stupid? Because if I don't do that now when will I ever be able to do that? I just want to graduate and figure some stuff out. That's my plan for after grad. I am going to hop in a car with Millie and figure some stuff out because I need to. I need to live a little and as cliche/flaky as it sounds I need to get to know myself a little better because how well can I know myself if I have lived in this little town my whole life? I have been on family trips but I feel like that's not the same. I am so ready for this summer!!

This is about fast food but whatever :) it's still true.

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