
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Not a fan of the hipsters

Now I am not going to lie I love me some skinny jeans and I like indie music. My best friend listens to a lot of indie music and she's got me into it a little bit more. However, just like her, I like the music and not the uniform or the pretentious, holier than thou attitude that a lot of these "hipsters" seem to have. Not all of them are like this obviously and I can appreciate a lot of different styles. I'm talking about the people who drink their shitty coffee, wearing their five cent t-shirts and three hundred dollar jeans and look down on me because I happen to be wearing or listening to something mainstream. I am just going to say it now. I happen to like Starbucks, and I actually think that song "Teenage Dream" from Katy Perry is pretty dang catchy.Oh and I don't just like it in an "ironic" way. What I am trying to say is just because it is mainstream it doesn't mean it sucks. For example,when you are talking to one of these hipsters about music and you happen to like one of the songs they like then that song is no longer cool and that band must suck now because people have actually heard of them. I just want to say smile and chill your beans.Whatever makes you happy is pretty much my outlook on clothes. And like I said, I live in skinny jeans; a good black pair are love at first sight for me.To be completely honest, the neon coloured skinnies make my eyes hurt. You know the ones that practically glow in the dark?  No one looks good with a neon orange derriere. And I don't love the random, hideous, statement pieces that look like skinned alive muppets. Still, whatever floats your boat. But I really need to go on a little bit of a rant. I love a lot of different styles and I think that one of the best things about fashion is that it is always changing. But when did it become cool to look like you have never seen a bar of soap? I love that whole relaxed, effortless look. But I still like what I am wearing to actually look good.And clean for that matter. I find it interesting that these "non conformist", anti-mainstream people who hate vanity and materialism are the ones who actually spend the most time trying to look like they don't give a shit.
I didn't make this picture but it made me laugh.

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